Commentary Search

  • Are you there for those around you?

    Have you ever met someone who changed how you look at yourself? Someone who did the right thing, time after time, despite the difficulties? Someone who was a leader not because of their rank, but because of their character? This is my story about one of those people and how he had the power to

  • Force protection and gate operations

    Kirtland is a unique place. The 377th Air Base Wing and our many mission partners are conducting missions vital to national defense. Our units have authority and responsibilities across five different major commands, multiple combatant commands and the Departments of Energy. Their responsibilities

  • Lifestyle strategies for cancer prevention

    Improvements in screening and treatment of cancer have resulted in significant reductions of cancer deaths in the United States. What are some lifestyle strategies for reducing cancer risk?

  • Healthier Life: Tips on how to ace your PT test

    I have yet to encounter an Airman who did not want to achieve a score of 90 on his or her PT test. However, many do not know how to train to accomplish this, and the Internet is an unreliable source of information. With this in mind, here are some evidence-based training tips that will help Airmen

  • Healthier life: Controlling stress eating

    We all have multiple stressors in our life, whether it be due to work, home, over exercising or not eating a nutritionally adequate diet. As Americans we have become accustomed to stress, but learning how to manage stress seems to be more difficult and often we turn to food for comfort. Any type of

  • Never Doubted, Always Feared

    Editor’s note: Jansson retires on October 6 after 33 years on active duty having served as a group commander, F-16 system program manager, wing commander for two wings, center vice commander and commander, Defense Logistics Agency center commander, and Air Force Program Executive Officer for both

  • Healthier Life: Exercise to control cholesterol

    September is National Cholesterol Education Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to revisit the health impact of heart disease and high cholesterol. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is still the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S. About

  • Healthier Life: Why not to skip breakfast

    We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, whether it was ingrained in your head by your parents growing up, or we see it in advertisements on TV and magazines.  But do you know why it’s the most important meal?  Breakfast is the first opportunity we have to give our