Shipping your vehicle to/from Kirtland
The nearest Vehicle Processing Centers to Kirtland are in Dallas and San Diego.
Before shipping your POV, you should consider the following:
Import Requirements:
Read more about the import requirements for the U.S. here:
Body damage:
If your car has severe body damage it will not be allowed on the road
Tires must have a minimum of 1/16 of an inch ( or 1.6 mm) depth over the entire tread and the required to be the sizes recommended by the manufacturer and do not stick out beyond the fender.
Check your lights, exhaust system, seatbelts, brakes, windshield and windows (for cracks)
Remove "pull-out" radios, cassette decks, and CD players should be removed to reduce the chance of pilferage;
Tinted windows:
Tint is authorized on the driver or passenger windows or the windshield.
For more information inspections and guidelines, check out the latest information on
New Mexico Motor Vehicle Department:
The New Mexico MVD's closest location is on Menual Blvd. and can be reached by phone at 805-292-4570, M-F 8 a.m. to12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Military information:
Proof of insurance is required for New Mexico. Check with your insurance company to make sure your policy meets the minimum requirements for New Mexico.
Car Seats:
N.M. Law requires children under 6 years of age and under 60 pounds to be in a car/booster seat. If the child is still under 60 pounds after age 6, they must remain in a booster seat until they reach 60 pounds.
Riding can be fun, but it can also be dangerous. To mitigate some of the inherent risk associated with motorcycle riding, the AFGSC Commander and the 377 ABW Commander have implemented a few specific requirements. "DOT only" type helmets are required by all military members on or off base. testing standards. A rider must have Motorcycle Safety Foundation training less than three years old. Sportbike riders must have had a sportbike specific course between 60 and 365 days after their initial course. AFI 91-207 has more information on requirements.
A valid U.S. drivers license from any state will be valid to drive in New Mexico. If you need a license, the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Department has a licensing program. Click the link for more information:
Vehicles with valid registrations to other U.S. states are acceptable. If purchasing a vehicle, you can register the vehicle and get plates at any New Mexico MVD location. Tap here for more:
Emissions Certification in Bernalillo County:
You are required to complete your personal vehicle emissions testing self-certification within 30 days. This process is required of all Federal employees who work at KIRTLAND AFB in order to comply with Clean Air Act Section 118(d). This simple 3-step certification process should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Complete the web-based self-certification at the following link:
What You Need To Complete The Certification:
• Common Access Card (CAC)
• Computer with internet access and CAC reader
• Information about the vehicle(s) you drive/park at work including: Make, Model, Year and Fuel Type
• The Certification Authority (normally the county) granting the emissions certificate
• Date of next required emissions test
What Happens If I Do Not Complete The Certification?
Failure to complete the vehicle emissions testing self-certification process could result in administrative action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I don't think this requirement applies to me. Am I still required to complete the web-based self-certification?
A: Yes. All Federal employees (civilian and military) are required to complete the self-certification process. This process usually takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
Q: What if I don't work at KIRTLAND AFB?
A: You are still required to complete the self-certification process. Simply click on the link provided, answer "No" to the first question in the questionnaire and then digitally sign the form.
Q. Smog checks are not required in the area I register my vehicle. Do I still need to complete the web-based self-certification?
A: Yes.
Q: My vehicle was emissions tested in another locale. Will that test meet this emissions test requirement?
A: Maybe. The system will prompt you to specify the county/municipality that performed your emissions test. If necessary, you will be directed to take further action.
Q: My vehicle is exempt from emissions testing. Do I need to complete this process?
A: Yes.
Where Can I Get Additional Information?
Review your local certification program policy by clicking on the following link Additional information can be found at
For more information, contact or 505-846-2522. If you're having technical difficulties, contact or call (800) 274-4406.