Slide show


Provide EOD support to defeat or mitigate the effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction directed against the United States of America or national interests, CONUS or OCONUS.

To be the best led, manned, trained, and equipped WMD response unit in the world, one fully mission-capable and prepared to deploy on-order, world-wide, 24/7/365. Serve as the premier international Improvised Nuclear Device/Radiological Dispersal Device community subject matter experts on equipment and tactics achieved through research and development and hands-on experience. Serve as a functional conduit to conventional EOD forces to ensure applicable CWMD knowledge is directly transferred back to the greater EOD community.

Recruiting, training, and retaining the best the EOD community has to offer while simultaneously working to consistently improve our customer relations and support capabilities.

The 21st Ordnance Company (EOD WMD) activated at Kirtland AFB in 1998 for response to CONUS and OCONUS IND/RDD threats. 

Phone Numbers
Duty Phone: 505-853-7263
Commander: 505-853-7258
Executive Officer: 505-853-8518
1SG: 505-853-7259

For more information on the 21st OD CO (EOD WMD), please visit our DoD CAC protected milSuite group.  Go to  and search for "21st OD CO (EOD WMD)."  If you do not have a milSuite account, simply follow the link and register for one.