Slide show


February 6, 2025  

The 377th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office publishes the Team Kirtland (TeKi) weekly update each Thursday unless that day or the day after is a federal holiday or other non-duty day. To submit an item for consideration, email it to or call 505-846-5991 by 3p.m. the Wednesday before the requested day of publication. This is subject to change for weeks with a holiday.  



Gate Barrier Maintenance   

Saturday, 8 February 2025 

Gibson Gate  

Barrier Maintenance at Gibson gate can start as early as 7 a.m., expect delays during and after maintenance is completed. 


Sunday, 9 February 2025 

Truman and Eubank Gates  

Expect delays at Eubank Gate starting at 7 a.m. for approximately an hour for testing. 

Herbicide Application Base Wide, Feb – May 2025 The Entomology shop will begin applying herbicide to exterior rock areas base wide February – May 2025 to help prevent weed growth. The rock areas will be blue until the dye dissipates over time. The herbicide produces a slight odor until it dries, usually within a couple of hours. The product is not harmful to people or animals. Some facilities will require application on weekends due to air handler proximity and requirements to temporarily shut them down–these facility managers will be contacted prior to application. 


STAY CONNECTED Make sure you have the latest information about what's happening on base. Sign up for our weekly emails! If you have dependents or know someone on base who is not currently receiving our TeKi Weekly emails, they can sign up using the link below: 

Military Personnel Finance (MPF) will be closed the following days: 

14 Feb: Family Day 

17 Feb: Holiday 

25 Feb-27 Feb: Wing Exercise 

Westside Express New Hours 
The Westside Express will now be open Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and closed on Saturday and Sunday. 


Kirtland AFB Tax Center, Feb. 3 - Apr. 15  
Kirtland AFB Tax Center will open again this season to provide free tax-filing services to eligible individuals. The Center will again operate in the Consolidated Support Building, Room 117, Feb. 3 – Apr. 15, 2025. Hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, by appointment only.   


Individuals may make appointments by calling the Center at (505) 853-1700, after Feb 3. 


Eligibility: Active duty, Guard, and Reserve E-1 thru E-7 and O-1 thru O-3, and their dependents.  Military retirees with gross income below $100,000. 

 What to bring to the appointment: 

-- Proof of identification (Picture ID) 

-- Social Security Cards for everyone on the tax return/ITIN for foreign status 

-- Birth dates for everyone on the return 

-- Income statements from any source: W-2, W-2G, 1099s, etc. 

-- Direct Deposit information (bring checkbook or bank routing and account numbers) 

-- Total paid for childcare and provider’s taxpayer identification number (TIN) 

-- Higher education documents (1098-T and statements from college/university) 

377th Medical Group Announcements  

  • FAMILY DAY: the Team Kirtland Medical Group will offer acute appointments on AFGSC Family Days.  

How Do I Schedule an Acute Appointment?  

PRAP & Flyers: Walk-in sick-call services from 0720 - 0730.  

Active-Duty, Family Health & Pediatrics: Call (505) 846-3200 from 0700 - 1100.  

Dental: Walk-in sick-call services from 0730 - 1100.  

Physical Therapy & Chiropractor: Walk-in services from 0730 - 0900 (First come, first serve)  

Services Not Available During Family Days:  

Clinic Pharmacy will be closed except for same-day acute appointments. 

BX Pharmacy will be closed. 

Lab will be closed except for same day appointments and to complete IMR requirements. 

Radiology will be closed except for same-day acute appointments.  

Immunizations & Medical Records will be closed.  

Optometry will be closed.  

Behavioral Health will be closed, for emergencies call 911. 

  • MISSED APPOINTMENTS: Other patients miss on a chance to be seen if you “no show”. If you are going to miss your mental health appointment, please do not “no show”. Call ahead! 505-846-3305.  



377th Optometry Clinic will have limited appointment availability until Feb 2025. For an appointment or referral, call the appointment line at 505-846-3200. The clinic is still open for walk-in technician services. 


Kirtland Gravity Events  

Gravity is a program ran officially by the chaplain that hosts several events per month. Where, airmen lead resiliently. The events are open to junior enlisted members and their family members. 

These are the upcoming events being hosted by Gravity for These are the upcoming events being hosted by Gravity for February: 

Karaoke night and Open hours, Feb 7 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) 

Square Dance Night, Feb 8 at 6:00 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) Note: This class will teach you the basics of square dancing with a friendly instructor. Snacks and refreshments provided 

NFL Finale, Feb 9 at 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) Note: Pizza, little smokies, veggies, chips, drinks and desserts provided. 

Open hours, Feb. 13 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) 

Anti-Valentine’s Dinner, Feb 14 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) Note: Food, games and music provided to provide a fun evening 

General Council Meeting, Feb 19 at 5:00 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) 

Open hours, Feb. 20 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) 

Open hours, Feb. 21 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) 

Open hours, Feb. 27 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) 

Open hours, Feb. 28 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Gravity center (open to public) 


*NOTE*: Members interested can contact the following POC’s for any further details: 


Zach Sullivan (Civilian Coordinator) : or (505) 313-4431 

A1C Ault, McClain (President of Gravity) : or (928) 458-6932 

A1C Bustillo Avila, Anna (VP of Gravity): or (407) 575-0149 


Military & Family Readiness Center  

The Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC)  

Open: 7:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.  

  • Closed: Saturday, Sunday, Federal Holidays, AFGSC Family Days and the third Thursday of each month for 377 ABW Training Days. 

  • To make an appointment or reservation, please call the M&FRC at 505-846-0741/0751 or send an email to 


M& FRC Food Pantry – Donations Needed 

  • Non-perishable food 

  • Hygiene products 

  • Baby supplies 

  • Any contribution, whether big or small, food donations or food drives, would be greatly appreciated. 

M&FRC Events:    

Organizational Culture Webinar Series: 

  • Riding the Change Wave, Mar. 5 at 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. MST  

Meeting ID: 161 180 7915 

Passcode: 270366 


Kirtland Story Time, Feb. 7 at 10:00 a.m. Come for reading, singing, and more, every Friday at the Gravity center. This event is for all ages. Follow Kirtland Story Time on Facebook fore event updates. POC: Destiny Warskow 405-658-0540 


Hunting and Fishing in New Mexico 101, Feb. 7 at 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Consolidated Support Bldg. 20245, Room 110 the PDC Classroom. MSgt Ryan Wood will be covering specific opportunities for Airmen, application strategies, deadlines and general rules and information to assist Active Duty Airmen in exploring the uniqueness NM presents for outdoorsmen. POC:  


The Big Game Party, Feb 9 at 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. at Gravity center. This event is open to public. Note: Pizza, little smokies, veggies, chips, drinks and desserts provided. 

AF Reserve Transition Opportunities – Enlisted & Officers, Feb. 13 

If interested in transitioning to AF Reserve; MSgt Amy Laframboise, an In-Service Recruiter for the AF Reserve will discuss the processes and benefits of the Palace Chase and Palace Front programs. The briefing will be held in Bldg. 20245 (Consolidated Support) Room 120 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Email MSgt Amy Laframboise at to reserve your spot on the roster (30 slots available). 

Cupid’s Night Out, Feb. 14 at 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Mountain View Club. Enjoy live music, treats, a cash bar, and prizes! Age 18+ only, FREE admission. Please sign up by Feb. 3 at HTTPS://WWW.SIGNUPGENIUS.COM/GO/10C0E4BA5AF29A6FDCF8-54119526-CUPIDS#/ PocAUGUSTINE.ORTEGA2.MIL@MAIL.MIL  


Lean Speaker Event, Feb. 18 at 12:00 p.m. MT featuring Larry Fisher presenting “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” This is a lighthearted and entertaining look at the interesting places the pursuit of Lean processes has taken Larry during his career. 

Larry has 39 years of service with USAF and is the Center Process Manager for Air Force Sustainment Center, serving the 40,000 member AFSC.  As an Air Force Black Belt, he facilitates Enterprise level improvement activities for AFSC, various Air Force Major Commands, and HQ Air Force.    

The Lean Speaker Series is sponsored by AFRL, AFNWC, and Sandia National Labs to share process improvement topics.  

POCs: and 

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

Meeting ID: 993 564 017 384  

Passcode: dA3JU9eT  
Dial in by phone  

+1 410-874-6740,,335892116# United States, Odenton  

Phone conference ID: 335 892 116# 


AF National Guard Transition Opportunities – Enlisted & Officers, Feb. 19  

If interested in transitioning to AF National Guard; MSgt Ryan Wood, an In-Service Recruiter for the AF National Guard will discuss the processes and benefits of the Palace Chase and Palace Front programs.  The briefing will be held in Bldg 20245 (Consolidated Spt) Room 110 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  Email MSgt Ryan Wood, at to reserve your spot on the roster. 


Hiring Event, Feb. 21 at 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Consolidated Support Facility, Building 20245, Room 120. Get to know over 40 companies and jump-start your career at this free event. Contact M&FRC at 505-846-0741/0751 with any questions. 


Norwegian Foot March, Feb. 22 

A test of marching endurance first originating in 1915 with the Norwegian Military for award of the Norwegian Foot March Badge at Kirtland AFB. 30 Km (18.6 miles) in uniform carrying a 11Kg (24lb) ruck within 4.5-6 hours (based on age and gender).  This event is limited to 100 participants. 40 volunteers also needed! 

Scan QR code to sign up. For questions please contact SrA Jon Ault or 2nd Lt Christian Porter via e-mail or @ 928-458-6932. 



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Tuition Assistance Updates  

  • The AFVEC and AI Portal systems will be unavailable from 16-21 February for scheduled maintenance. During this downtime, military members will not be able to apply for MilTA, AFCOOL, or submit new education goals. Civilians will be unable to apply for CivTA or other civilian development programs in AFVEC/AFAEMS. The systems will be brough back up no later than 24 February.  

  • Students are reminded that all TA requests must be submitted 45-7 days prior to the class start date.  

  • Need courses for your CCAF? Kirtland’s on base universities have you covered with CCAF-applicable classes starting 24 March. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University will have a Literature (Humanities) class on Tuesday evenings, and Lewis University is opening additional sections for their online Math and Speech classes. Please stop by their offices at the Education Center if you have questions on how to enroll. 


DAF Civilian Development Nomination Call, Jan. 8 – Feb. 14 

The academic year 2026 Department of Air Force (DAF) Civilian Development (CD) nomination call is now open! DAF Civilian employees may submit their applications for short-term or long-term academic and professional development opportunities through MyVECTOR from 8 January to 14 February 2025. Supervisors and Endorses must review and forward applications NLT 7 March 2025. Please refer to PSDM 25-01 on myFSS for details. 


Force Development Opportunities 


AF Reserve Transition Opportunities – Enlisted & Officers, Feb. 13 

If interested in transitioning to AF Reserve; MSgt Amy Laframboise, an In-Service Recruiter for the AF Reserve will discuss the processes and benefits of the Palace Chase and Palace Front programs The briefing will be held in Bldg 20245 (Consolidated Spt) Room 120 from 2:00 to 3:00.  Email MSgt Amy Laframboise at to reserve your spot on the roster (30 slots available) 


NCO Foundations Course 500 (NCOFC), Feb. 18–21:    

The NCO Foundations Course 500 replaces the base level NCO Professional Enhancement Seminar and will be a prerequisite for the Noncommissioned Officer Academy. The course provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to lead by setting the example. It also enhances the students’ capacity to continually advance factors that shape organizational culture, offer guidance that empowers students to reflect on their behaviors in relation to the Airmen Leadership Qualities and facilitate students’ comprehension of techniques that contribute to establishing robust networks. The NCOF500 assist students in grasping the connection between attention to detail, establishing impactful communication and fostering a culture of trust. It promotes the realization that asking the appropriate questions involves understanding how to utilize the answers effectively. Foundations Courses have replaced our base-level professional enhancement seminars beginning in October 2023 and are scheduled to become prerequisite courses for EPME. Any questions about JEFC/NCFC or registering please contact TSgt Philip Caddell at This course will be held at the Force Development Center in Bldg 20245 (Consolidated Spt) Room 110.  


AF National Guard Transition Opportunities – Enlisted & Officers, Feb. 19  

If interested in transitioning to AF National Guard; MSgt Ryan Wood, an In-Service Recruiter for the AF National Guard will discuss the processes and benefits of the Palace Chase and Palace Front programs.  The briefing will be held in Bldg 20245 (Consolidated Spt) Room 110 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  Email MSgt Ryan Wood, at to reserve your spot on the roster. 


OSI Recruitment Briefing – Enlisted/Officers/Civilians, Feb. 20 

Military (Air Force and Space Force Enlisted & Officers) and Civilians welcomed. The OSI recruitment briefing will include eligibility requirements and retraining process for the OSI, an overview of the OSI and its mission sets, what the training entails to become an OSI Special Agent, and the realities of the profession. This will be a great opportunity to meet with Agents that could handle an applicant’s file and to ask any questions interested individuals may have. 3:00 p.m. Every Third Thursday each month at Building 20203B, across from the base CSS building, entrance to building is in the interior courtyard, building has AFOSI in big black letters that are visible from F Ave SE. 


NCO Foundations Course 500 (NCOFC) (18 seats available), Feb. 24–28:   

The NCO Foundations Course 500 replaces the base level NCO Professional Enhancement Seminar and will be a prerequisite for the Noncommissioned Officer Academy. The course provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to lead by setting the example. It also enhances the students’ capacity to continually advance factors that shape organizational culture, offer guidance that empowers students to reflect on their behaviors in relation to the Airmen Leadership Qualities and facilitate students’ comprehension of techniques that contribute to establishing robust networks. The NCOF500 assist students in grasping the connection between attention to detail, establishing impactful communication and fostering a culture of trust. It promotes the realization that asking the appropriate questions involves understanding how to utilize the answers effectively. Foundations Courses have replaced our base-level professional enhancement seminars beginning in October 2023 and are scheduled to become prerequisite courses for EPME. Any questions about JEFC/NCFC or registering please contact TSgt Philip Caddell at This course will be held at the Force Development Center in Bldg 20245 (Consolidated Spt) Room 110. 


First Term Enlisted Course (FTEC), Feb. 24 – 28 

Registration is conducted when in-processing through the Welcome Center.  Any questions about FTEC or registering please contact SSgt Ricardo Longarini at This course will be held at the Education Center. 


Kingfish ACE (KFA) Cadre Training Event Feb. 24 – 28  

Kingfish ACE is an educational boardgame designed by HAF/A5 to educate airmen on the complexities of operating in an Agile Combat Employment (ACE) environment. Kingfish ACE immerses players in an Pacific operation where they must coordinate air logistics with their team to launch fighter aircraft before an enemy can locate and destroy them. Kingfish ACE is educational for and enjoyed by the newest basic training graduate to the seasoned field grade officer as well as department of defense civilians. Participants leave the game with a new found respect for the complexity and challenges of ACE and a better understanding of the relationships between task, threat, capabilities and timing. The event is focused on training Cadre to conduct beginner level wargame. Any questions about this event or registering please contact Force Development Center at This course will be held at the Mountain View Club basement (ground Zero). 


AF Reserve Transition Opportunities – Enlisted & Officers, Feb. 25 

If interested in transitioning to AF Reserve; MSgt Amy Laframboise, an In-Service Recruiter for the AF Reserve will discuss the processes and benefits of the Palace Chase and Palace Front programs.  The briefing will be held in Bldg 20245 (Consolidated Spt) Room 120 from 1400 to 1500.  Email MSgt Amy Laframboise at to reserve your spot on the roster (30 slots available). 


-----Registration/Schedule Website------ 

If you would like to register for any Force Development Center offered courses, please use the below TeamUp link or QR code with your RANK/NAME/UNIT and government email. or 

Contact MSgt Nicole Russell/Development Advisor at 846-2640 and TSgt Jessenia McKnight/Section Chief of Force Development at with any questions or concerns. 


WAPS Testing 

Study materials for all eligible Staff Sergeants testing in the upcoming 25E6 cycle can be found online at Eligible SSgts will be scheduled to test 15 Feb-15Apr. For questions, please contact your Unit WAPS Monitors. 


GS Civilian training form requirements 

Civilian training is mandatory. For GS civilians, an SF182, Authorization, Agreement, Certification of Training, must be approved by the Civilian Formal Training Office (377 FSS/FSDEO) before attending training that is 8 hours or longer and/or if there is any cost involved, regardless of the funding source. The SF 182 must be approved before obligating the government, per DAFI 36-2687, Civilian Development and DAFI 64-117, Government Purchase Card Program because the agency/office could be held financially responsible if an individual is attending training without prior approval.  After the fact requests are not accepted. 


Please submit SF182s directly to and allow two-week time frame for processing. Refer all questions to Jennifer Gladfelter at or James Torres at         


CLEP/DSST Guidance 

We have created a fact sheet for the education office on the Kirtland website that includes all pertinent information. Please follow the link to the fact sheet here: Education Office* > Kirtland Air Force Base > Display ( 




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Sandia Base Elementary School needs volunteer tutors. Contact the main office for more information at (505) 268-4356 for more information.  

Airman’s Attic 

The local Airman’s Attic is available to all Active-Duty, Guard, Reserve, and their dependents. This resource is powered by volunteers and sign-ups are offered on their Facebook page “Airman’s Attic Kirtland AFB”. Located in bldg. 20224, their hours are Monday and Wednesday from 4 - 6 p.m. However, additional shifts and updates are frequently posted to their Facebook page. 


For additional inquiries please contact MSgt Veronica Guerrero, Sign up to volunteer at this link: 

The Airman’s Attic FB Page has continuous updates on hours, inventory, and volunteer opportunities. 


Thrift Shop 

The base Thrift Shop is volunteer operated and open to anyone with base access to shop, donate, consign or volunteer.  Located in bldg. 20206, on the corner of Wyoming and Frost.  Thrift Shop hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and one Saturday a month from 10am to 2pm. For additional inquiries please contact Frank Capuano, the Thrift Shop Manager, at

The Thrift Shop FB Page has continuous updates on hours, sales and events. 



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Area Defense Counsel at Kirtland 

The ADC ensures complete attorney-client confidentiality and independent legal counsel. It does not report to any leadership chains and provides free, effective, and independent legal counsel to Air and Space Force members facing adverse actions. Contact or or call 505-846-5553/5554. 


OSI Detachment 814 KAFB 

Office of Special Investigations Detachment 814 conducts foreign travel briefs for Kirtland AFB personnel every Thursday at 10 a.m. (except for federal holidays and family days). Briefings are conducted at 2050 2nd St SE, bldg. 20203B, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5522. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact OSI Det 814 at 505-846-0999. 


Legal/Judge Advocate Office Contact  

Customers needing assistance from the Legal Office can email them at or call at COMM (505) 846-4217/4218 or DSN 256-4217/4218 during customer service hours.  

Legal Office General Information:  

Sexual Misconduct, Article 120 UCMJ, Disciplinary Actions:   


Equal Opportunity Office 

The EO Office takes walk-ins, but appointments are strongly recommended to ensure a counselor is available. To schedule an appointment members may call us at 505-846-5369 or email our org box at


Medical Group 

Info and Hours - 

MDG Appointments - 


Military & Family Readiness Center 

For detailed information one M&FRC services and classes, refer to the M&FRC Calendar of Events


Gate Hours 

Regular schedule and holiday schedule Gate Hours


Kirtland AFB Public Affairs information channels: 

  • KAFB App (search “USAF Connect”, under favorites add “Kirtland Air Force Base”) 


Qr code

Description automatically generated 

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