Kirtland Air Force Base Chapel

The Kirtland Chaplain Corps seeks to ensure mission ready Airmen and families through the intentional development of relationship and deliberate purposeful encounters.  

In addition to inspiring readiness through innovative talks and outreach (available ‘on-demand’), the chapel team creates a safe space 24/7 for Airmen and dependents in crisis by ensuring 100% confidential counseling, as well as spiritual and pastoral intervention and care with no fear of judgement or exposure. This is provided regardless of religious or non-religious affiliation.

Ultimately the Chaplain Corps promotes a positive and healthy culture through intentional unit engagements, mentorship and advising leaders of all ranks, as well as providing opportunities for worship, religious rituals and rites.


Archdiocese of the Military

Air Force Chaplain Corps

Hindu Temple Society of New Mexico

Islamic Center of New Mexico

Nahalat Shalom

Congregation Albert

Congregation B'nai Israel

Pagan Pride Project

Albuquerque Sikh Gurdwara

What's happening...

For the most up-to-date Chapel worship schedule, livestream service access, special events, announcements and all related KAFB Chaplain Corps information, go to the Kirtland AFB Chaplain Corps Facebook page. 

Kirtland Chaplain Corps Invocation Request Form

Click here to download the Kirtland Chaplain Corps Invocation Request Form.

Email completed form to



Gravity is a place where service members E1-E4 and their families can come to meet people, create relationships and network. Gravity is in bldg. 20224 on 1st St next to the Theater. The Gravity airmen’s center is for airmen and led by airmen who volunteer and plan our events each month. Our council has planned events that include skiing, hiking, camping, bowling, golfing, gaming, paintballing, etc. We even cover all or most of the cost for weekend trips or big events like Thanksgiving or the Super Bowl. To join our monthly events, become a volunteer, or to learn about leadership opportunities email:, Instagram, Discord, or follow the Kirtland Gravity Facebook page.

Contact Information

Kirtland Chapel

Building 20107
1950 Second St. SE
Kirtland AFB, NM  87117

Phone: 505-853-5000

After Duty Hours Emergency: 
Call Command Post 505-846-3777, and ask for the Duty Chaplain


Catholic Mass 

Sundays at 0900 at the Base Chapel

Daily Mass at Kirtland Chapel

Monday through Thursday, 11:30 a.m.

Protestant Community Service

Sundays at 1100 at the Base Chapel