Kirtland AFB Legal Office

Legal Office Hours
New Summer Hours starting June 1, 2024 until further notice
Monday:  0830 – 1500
Tuesday:  0730 – 1500
Wednesday:  CLOSED for training
Thursday:  0730 – 1500
Friday:  0830 – 1500
Wills for Retirees and their dependents is temporarily on hold during this timeframe. 
Contact the legal office in September for updates.
Contact Information
2000 Wyoming Blvd SE
Building 20604, Room B36
Kirtland AFB, NM  87117
Telephone:  (505) 846-4217
DSN:  246-4217
Eligibility for Services
Active-duty military members and their dependents, and retirees and their dependents. National Guard and Reserve members are eligible under certain conditions. 
Veterans are not eligible for services, regardless of disability rating or base access privileges.
Walk-In Services
Walk-in services are limited to notaries, powers of attorney, general questions and information, and scheduling appointments.
Legal Assistance
By appointment only. 
Scope of advice:  We offer limited services to eligible clients, such as:  domestic relations assistance (divorce, child support, and custody), advice regarding the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, personal property claims, landlord/tenant issues, and tax questions.   
Judge advocates are not able to represent you in any State or Federal Court of the United States.  Our advice is limited to the eligible client, we do not provide legal advice to third parties.
Wills, Advance Medical Directives, and Health Care Power of Attorneys
By appointment only.
Visit to complete a will worksheet or powers of attorney. When you are done, the system will generate a ticket number for you.
You must have a ticket number before you can make an appointment for a will, a health care power of attorney, and/or advance medical directive.
If you have limited computer access, you may pick up a paper copy will worksheet at our front desk during customer service hours.

Powers of Attorney
A power of attorney is a written instrument that allows you (the "principal") to authorize your agent (your "attorney-in-fact") to conduct certain transactions on your behalf. It is one of the strongest legal documents that you can give to another person. Every act performed by your agent under the authority of a POA is legally binding upon you. Since a POA is such a powerful document, you should only give it to a trustworthy person, and only when absolutely necessary.

There are two types of POA -- a general POA and a special (or limited) POA.

1. General Power of Attorney
A general POA gives your agent the authority to do most things you could do yourself, such as write checks and pay bills, borrow money, and sign contracts in your name. Not all institutions accept a general power of attorney; some require a POA from them specifically. You should check with the institution before getting a POA.

2. Special Power of Attorney
A special, or limited, POA authorizes your agent to do only a specific act, such as sell your car, ship your household goods, or cash your paycheck. It restricts the agent's action to a particular purpose which you have chosen. It is best to give a special power of attorney when possible.

Visit to find the POA that fits your needs. The website will direct you to fill out your personal information, and then it will generate a ticket number for you. Bring your ticket number with you on your visit to the legal office, these types of POAs do not require an appointment
Re-enlistment Briefings
Completed via myLearning. 
Post-Government Employee Briefing
No in-person briefings. Contact the Legal Office for more information. 
Our primary goal and first priority is to ensure members and their families are prepared for deployment. That means we work with you to make sure you have everything in order. This includes a will, an advance medical directive (living will or medical power of attorney), powers of attorney and arrangements to support your family.
Good Order and Discipline