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  • AFRL’s THOR hammers drones in new video animation

    The Air Force Research Laboratory has created a new video animation that realistically depicts THOR (Tactical High-power Operational Responder) destroying swarms of enemy drones in a base defense scenario.

  • AFRL Space Vehicles, Directed Energy Directorate personnel honored

    The Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles and Directed Energy Directorates honored the outstanding achievements of 70 Air Force and Space Force individuals and teams during their 2020 Phillips Research Site Annual Awards.  The virtual ceremony was held February 24. It illustrated how

  • AFRL’s SHiELD set to receive critical assembly

    The Air Force Research Laboratory Self-Protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator, or SHiELD, Advanced Technology Demonstration Program is scheduled to receive the first major assembly of its three main subsystems later this month, with the remaining two subsystems set to be delivered later this year.

  • Army partners with Air Force’s THOR for base defense

    In an effort to counter the increasing threat posed by enemy drones and other airborne threats, the U.S. Army is making an investment in Directed Energy prototype technology, with the Tactical High Power Operational Responder, or THOR, system, developed at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s

  • 60 years of laser technology and a legacy of development

    In May 2020, the world celebrated the 60th anniversary of the first laser demonstration and the beginning of the immense field of laser technology. To mark that occasion, I sat down with Lt. Col. Jim Mayo (USAF Ret.) for a look back at his life’s work in the field of laser optics, and the progress

  • AFRL researchers win STAR recognition

    The Air Force Research Laboratory recently announced eight Air Force Office of Scientific Research STAR Team Award winners. The award recognizes excellence in basic research across AFRL’s technology directorates, and identifies those researchers who have demonstrated world class scientific or