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  • Legacy Renewed: Activation of the 24th Helicopter Squadron

    Maxwell Air Force Base marked a historic moment on December 6, 2024, with the activation of the 24th Helicopter Squadron. Presiding official for the activation ceremony and assumption of command, Col. Lane Cook, commander of the 58th Operations Group, took a few minutes to discuss the importance of

  • 908th partners with 23rd FTS preparing aircrew for future training mission

    The 908th Airlift Wing has looked to the U.S. Air Force’s subject matter experts when it comes to training helicopter crew members in preparation for the wing’s new mission, the formal training unit for the MH-139A Grey Wolf helicopter.Starting in September 2021, when the 908th sent Lt. Col. Jeffrey

  • Kirtland uses innovation to help send satellites to space

    The Air Force relies on its Airmen to be innovators that bring new processes and technologies to life. A group of 58th Special Operations Wing Airmen from the aircraft metals technology shop at Kirtland Air Force Base took up this challenge when they used their metals technology expertise to create

  • 58th TRS ‘Monster Garage’ meets challenges with innovation

    Suppose your organization is tasked with training 1,500 special mission aviation students a year, from multiple major commands, to perform their operational functions. Their academic phase of training needs to be realistic, and it should not tie up the limited number of flyable aircraft available to