Celebrating the Air Force’s 60th Anniversary by remembering Kirtland’s history Published May 14, 2007 By David Bragg 377th Air Base Wing historian KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, New Mexico -- Airfield receives WAAC detachment, May 1-15, 1943 Kirtland Army Air Field received a detachment of the Woman's Army Auxiliary Corps. The WAAC detachment was "complete with officers and noncommissioned officers for purposes of administration, discipline and records. Please don't get yourselves in an uproar; the WAACs are not going to displace anyone from any squadron duty nor will they interfere with your rank or promotions. They are coming here to work alongside soldier and civilian staffs. According to the need they will be placed as typists, stenographers, librarians, photographers, telephone operators, mess stewards, cooks, mimeograph operators, messengers, et cetera," according to the "Bombsight," Kirtland's base newspaper in the 40s. Save Sept. 14 for the Air Force Ball