Commander’s Corner: New Air Force creed brings honor, pride Published May 1, 2007 By Col. Robert E. Suminsby Jr. 377th Air Base Wing Commander KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, New Mexico -- Last week, Gen. T. Michael Moseley released his monthly CSAF's Vector and with it, the new Airman's Creed. For those of you who haven't read the new creed, I encourage you to take a few minutes to study the 18 lines on Page 7 that will replace all Air Force-related creeds currently in existence. The Airman's Creed goes right to the core of what we are all about as the world's strongest air and space force. If the first time you read through the words you aren't filled with a deep sense of pride, honor and commitment ... then read it again, because you should be. There's no secret about the fact that General Moseley wants Airmen to embrace our distinguished heritage. The USAF may be young compared to our sister services but over the past 60 years and during the Army Air Corps years that preceded the establishment of the USAF, you and your predecessors have built an incredible legacy, of which you should be immensely proud. From the earliest days of the Lafayette Escadrille until now, Airmen have made unique contributions to the advance of freedom. A lot of changes are continually coming down the pipeline so much that today's Air Force is a much different Air Force than I saw as a second lieutenant. But despite changes in manpower, force structure, and technology, you'll find that the heart and soul of what we do as Airmen; the sacrifices we make and the profession of arms we adhere to has not changed. We are entrusted by the American people to defend the constitution of the United States. Every one of us is a tiny cog in an incredibly complex machine called the United States Air Force - a force that provides global vigilance from the high ground of space, delivers humanitarian aid with unparalleled global reach and strikes out with fearsome global power in defense of our nation. I am proud and honored to serve next to each and every one of you.