Airmail Published Aug. 17, 2007 By Col. Robert E. Suminsby Jr. 377th Air Base Wing Commander KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, New Mexico -- Is a prescription drop box possible? Q. Would a drop box at the hospital for prescriptions during down times be beneficial? Some ideas why it might be: After a 100-mile round-trip, a retiree might feel it was not completely wasted. Perhaps a decorated, disabled veteran would feel he still had some worth. New ideas sometimes work. A. Your suggestion of having a drop box for prescriptions is a good idea, but patient and safety issues do not allow the Pharmacy to implement. Our Pharmacy must do the utmost to ensure that patient data is correct and complete on each prescription. A drop-box system increases the likelihood of prescriptions being left without needed information to properly process the prescription and maximize patient safety. We want your suggestions and comments; however, you may also call base agencies or use the chain of command. Callers to Airmail will not have their names printed in the Nucleus. To submit an Airmail, call 846-4240, e-mail, or write 377 ABW/CC Airmail 2000 Wyoming Blvd. SE Kirtland AFB, NM 87117