Airmail: Why distribute fliers if prices are wrong? Published Sept. 10, 2007 By Col. Robert E. Suminsby Jr. 377th Air Base Wing Commander KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, New Mexico -- Q. A couple of times a month "The Nucleus" has a four-color ad insert titled "Commissary Specials." While I was waiting for a transaction today, another customer was told by a clerk that the Kirtland Commissary does not honor the prices in that sales flier. The customer pointed out that someone at the front of the store was passing out the fliers. The clerk said that they (meaning the Commissary management, I guess) don't know how to stop the fliers. What is the real situation? If the Commissary does not honor the flier, then why is it inserted in the base newspaper? It sure is misleading. A. The "Commissary Special" inserts are paid for by manufacturers of the product advertised in the insert. Occasionally the prices are incorrect and do not match the commissary pricing system. In the past, the management at the Commissary would not honor the prices when a discrepancy occurred. However, our new management staff is working to be proactive on the pricing by having department managers review the ad before its release to ensure pricing is correct and contacting the manufacturers to confirm the reduced price. Keep in mind that all Commissary items are sold at cost, so any price reduction without manufacturer reimbursement would be a loss of government funds, which is not allowed. Getting in touch with Airmail We want your suggestions and comments; however, you may also call base agencies or use the chain of command. Airmail submitters will not have their names printed in the Nucleus. To submit Airmail, call 846-4240, e-mail, or write 377 ABW/CC Airmail 2000 Wyoming Blvd. SE Kirtland AFB, NM 87117 Helpful phone numbers Airman and Family Readiness 846-0741 Chapel 846-5691 Computer Help 846-5926 Energy Wasting 846-4633 Exchange Service 266-9887 Finance 846-8045 Law Enforcement 846-7926 Legal 846-4217 Medical Clinic 846-3406 Services 846-1828