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AFGSC Chaplain Ensures Spiritual Resilience

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Trust Tate

Spiritual resilience is one of the four pillars of resilience in the Air Force, which is a primary component for building resilient Airmen. That is where Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) command chaplain Col. Julian Gaither comes in. Gaither visited Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota from Nov. 27- Dec. 1, 2023, in pursuit of deepening the connection between AFGSC and Team Minot.

While at Minot AFB, Gaither toured the 5th Bomb Wing and 91st Missile Wing facilities to see the amenities and speak with Airmen and base leadership. During his visit, he participated as the officiating chaplain in the Assumption of the Stole and Crook Ceremony for U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Ronald Feeser 5th Bomb Wing chaplain.

The Stole and Crook ceremony is meant to signify the chaplain’s spiritual responsibility to the Airmen on their base. Gaither stated that it is crucial that Airmen know they are being looked out for as well as looking out for each other.

“Our purpose of coming to Minot is to meet with wing leadership to ensure our chaplain core personnel are meeting leadership expectations and see the mission from the vantage point of our chaplains and religious affairs Airmen,” Gaither said.

Gaither said his job is to make sure Airmen across Air Force Global Strike Command are not only completing the tasks given to them, but also reaching their own goals. The chaplain provides faith opportunities, lends a confidential ear, and gives personal advice so Airmen are strong, and ready to deploy, fight, and win.

Studies conducted by the Department of Defense have shown that spiritual resilience improves optimism, team cohesion and lowers anxiety and depression.

Gaither said a spiritually resilient Airman is an unstoppable one, and his job is to cultivate them.