KAFB reminds drivers of mobile phone ban Published June 23, 2011 By Danny Monahan 377th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Kirtland Air Force Base -- Talking on a mobile phone without a hands-free device while driving on base is illegal. To emphasize the point, the 377th Security Forces Squadron issued 17 citations for the violation from June 1 to 20. "It's against the law to drive while talking on a mobile phone without a hands-free device on a military installation, as well as in the city of Albuquerque," said Tech Sgt. Gloria Banks, 377 SFS Law Enforcement Operations NCO in charge. In 2006, the Department of Defense mandated that motor vehicle drivers on military installations cannot use mobile phones unless the vehicle is safely parked or the driver is using a hands-free device. "Drivers need to remember this is a law and it's been a law for several years now," said Sergeant Banks. "This is no different from the laws we have governing the use of seatbelts or speed limits." Drivers can wear a headset, install a speakerphone in their car or use the speakerphone installed on their phone, said Sergeant Banks. "Using the speakerphone, but still holding the phone in your hand, is not the same as a hands-free device," said Sergeant Banks. "Drivers can still be cited for holding their phone. Drivers need to place their phone to the side." Violators can be cited with a DD Form 1408, Armed Forces Traffic Ticket, which requires Airmen to report to their first sergeant or commander. However, violators can also be cited with a DD Form 1805, United States District Court Violation Notice. "If drivers weave in-and-out of traffic or run a stop sign as a result of mobile phone use, we cite them with an 1805 for inattentive driving," said Sergeant Banks. "Violators can then be subject to court appearances and fines."