KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- Fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has led to Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) experiencing labor constraints, port congestions, shortage of equipment and supplies as well as increases in material costs. These shortfalls have limited capacity, increased missed required delivery dates (RDD) by 50% compared to the previous
years and it is anticipated that lead times could be extended (4 to 6 weeks) for shipment pickups. With PCS Peak Season fast approaching issues moving in the summer of 2022 may be more challenging than ever before.
The Kirtland AFB Traffic Management Office is here to assist you to try and make your move as smooth as possible!
With that said here are a few pointers for Household Goods to keep in mind.
- Visit for moving entitlements and information regarding peak-season messages, country instructions, POV shipping/storage instructions, claims and much more!
- Upon receipt of orders create/access DPS (through militaryonesource) and create your household goods shipment ensure documents are signed and orders are uploaded
- Peak-Season booking challenges-30 to 45 days advance notice are needed for shipment requests.
- DO NOT schedule a move-out date from your residence until a pick-up date is confirmed with a Transportation Service Provider (TSP).
- 7-day Spread Dates - DPS lists a “LATEST PICK-UP DATE” the customer will annotate the latest date for pick-up and DPS will generate the 7-day window of when your shipment will be booked. The TSP WILL coordinate actual pick-up dates with a confirmation call to the Service Member.
- If you do not receive a call from your TSP within 72 hours confirming pick-up, call them.
- Notify our office if you do not hear from your moving company.
- Releasing Agents are highly recommended if you have a short-notice PCS and cannot be present for your shipment pick-up (releasing agent is someone you know and trust to release your property to the moving company/POA not need for releasing agent).
- Personally Procured Moves (PPM’s) are recommended for Service Member who want to be in charge of their personal shipment and/or lack time to have a government shipment booked. This is an incentivize program where you move your property on your own and receive payment up to the “Best Value” of a government shipment. If you plan on completing a PPM ensure empty and full weight tickets are obtained. DO NOT hire a shipment company (U-Pack/PODS) that uses space versus weight; weight tickets are required for the incentivized portion. Check local Facebook pages for free packing material offered by other military members
- Inbound Personnel schedule in-processing at the Welcome Center by contacting your CSS (shipment updates, claims information and inbound PPM close-out’s).
Passenger Travel
For Passenger Travel requests, submit a Passenger Travel Request form to our organizational email. The Port Call
form is available on the vMPF Out-Processing page or available at the TMO office. Tickets will be issued 72 hours
before departure. If the passenger travel office does not receive orders 72 hours before aircraft departure, travel
will be canceled. Orders are NOT required for making reservations.
Note: Pet reservations are limited therefore we ask customers to submit their Port-Call information 90-120 days
before departure. Deviating from prescribed routes to use overseas commercial travel is prohibited IAW Air Force
and DoD guidance. All DTS-generated travel will be pushed through on a daily basis. If a customer requires
immediate approval, call the Passenger Travel office.