Professional licensure for New Mexico military families: How to utilize benefits

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Kiana Pearson
  • 377 Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Oftentimes, military spouses struggle to find employment at a new duty station when moving with their Active Duty partner. Many careers that require professional licenses also require transferring those licenses between states, which can prove to be costly and time-consuming. Military families residing in New Mexico have a better process to help spouses get back into the workforce.

On July 1, 2020, New Mexico House Bill-30 Expedited Licensure for Military Families was enacted. This bill speeds up the process of obtaining licensure of professional licenses and provides a waiver of fees.

Team Kirtland’s Airman & Family Readiness Flight is taking action to aid military spouses, dependents and veterans who are eligible for this program.

“The A&FRF will assist any military spouse or veteran with the process to apply or transfer a professional license,” said Heather Nickel, A&FRF community readiness consultant. “We can assist them in connecting with the particular licensing board that is needed based upon the professional license.”

The bill oversees more than 30 professions to include teaching, health care, body artistry, real estate and more.

“For educational careers, there will be no fees for three years that a license is required for the position,” said Nickel. “The second part of the bill addresses other professional licenses by setting standard fees and timelines for each.”

According to Nickel, those who have valid licenses will have their application processed within 30 days of the licensing board receiving the application.

The first step for applicants is to contact their licensing board for their profession, to find out the specific criteria to be met.

“If any issues arise, we can aid them in contacting the Deputy Director of the New Mexico Regulations and Licensing Department to assist in resolving the issue,” Nickel said.

Nickel said that for military spouses, in particular, the A&FRF can also aid them in completing the paperwork to take advantage of the reimbursement provided by the Spouse Reimbursement for Re-Licensure program.

Under the Spousal Reimbursement for Re-Licensure program, spouses may be eligible for reimbursement for the transfer costs up to $1,000 for each Permanent Change of Station.

The A&FRF is available to assist with any part of the licensure process. Call 505-846-0741/0751 or email for more information.