The Housing Management Office's primary mission is to provide military families priority-access to safe, quality, well-maintained, affordable housing. Available housing referral services include, but are not limited to, assistance with residential rental or home purchase searches, counseling and assistance with rental and lease agreements, and free landlord-tenant dispute resolution for eligible personnel and landlords. The HMO also maintains a variety of data sources on local housing utilities and other services. Please contact the HMO for questions related to housing.
The HMO is located on the east side of the base in the Consolidated Support Building (Building 20245) west of the Fire Station near Wyoming and F Street.
Physical address:
1451 4th St, Room 145
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117
Mailing address:
2050 Wyoming Blvd SE
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5663
Phone/Fax numbers:
Office Commercial (505) 846-8217
DSN 246-8217
Fax Commercial (505) 846-7976
DSN 246-7976
What is Housing Privatization?
The 1996 Defense Authorization Act provided the military services with new authorities to privatize housing for service members. This program is known as the Military Housing Privatization Initiative (MHPI). The MHPI allows the services to address their housing needs by utilizing privately financed and built or renovated houses constructed to local market standards (i.e., the typical housing size and amenities found in the local community).
On 1 May 2003, Kirtland's military family housing and associated infrastructure was conveyed to Kirtland Family Housing, LLC. While the assets belong to the Project Owner, the land still belongs to the Air Force. Security Forces and the Fire Department will provide protection to military personnel and property, as long as the land is owned by the Air Force and housing continues to remain behind the fence line.
In exchange for the use of the land and the conveyed housing units and improvements, Kirtland Family Housing, LLC provides maintenance and repair for all housing units and improvements, including pavements and common areas. In addition to this, Kirtland Family Housing, LLC has constructed 867 new housing units, ensuring the availability of a minimum of 1,078 units for military families for a period of 50 years.
Eligibility Criteria for Privatized Housing
Please contact the Housing Management Office, Building 20245, to inquire about a referral certificate for privatized housing. Individuals must have a certificate prior to signing a lease. Plan to provide military orders; and if dependents are not referenced on orders, provide supporting documentation proving dependent relationship.
Application for On Base "Privatized" Housing
Contact Kirtland Family Housing, LLC directly for information on waiting list and floor plans, (505) 232-2049 or toll free (866) 413-8313. Members may also view Kirtland Family Housing's website at
Key and Essential Housing
Key and Essential military members that believe they may have priority for privatized housing are asked to contact the Housing Management Office prior to reporting to Kirtland AFB.
Waterfall Policy
A policy is in effect to allow other active duty military, military retirees, DoD Civilians and DoD Contractors an opportunity to apply for privatized housing. If occupancy remains below expected projections for an extended period of time, Kirtland Family Housing may offer homes to other than "target military families." For specific eligibility criteria, contact the Housing Management Office at (505) 846-8217 or DSN 246-8217.
Community Housing Information
Currently it is not mandatory for military families to reside on base; however the military member is still required to in process through the Housing Management Office prior to making any commitments off base.
Members may access the Automated Housing Referral Network (AHRN) Program at
www.ahrn.com. The web-based program is being used DOD wide and will provide members with rental and sales information for homes, townhomes, apartments, and condos that are located in the Albuquerque Metropolitan and surrounding areas.
Dormitory/Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) Information for E1-E4 Personnel.
All unaccompanied personnel grades E1-E4 are required to in process through the Unaccompanied Housing Manger. There are 826 rooms available for required assignment of Airmen in grades E1-E4. Dormitory rooms are single occupancy rooms with a shared bathroom between rooms. The Unaccompanied Housing Manager is located at 8201 F Avenue, first floor, and Airman Dormitory Leaders are located in each of the four dormitories.
You may contact the Unaccompanied Housing Manager for further information prior to in processing by calling 505-853-5479 or DSN 263-5479.
Tenant Resources for Resolving Disputes in Privatized Housing - Resident Advocate Services -
Advocate for residents regarding housing issues.
Consult on landlord/tenant rights, laws, regulations, etc.
Mediate with KFH on behalf of residents.
Facilitate discussions between MHO, KFH and residents.
Escalate issues to base leadership.
Work with base agencies to resolve resident issues.
Help navigate the Exceptional Family Member Program.
The Resident Advocate’s Office is located:
377 ABW Headquarters
B Wing, Room B6 (across from Main Directory)
2000 Wyoming Blvd. SE,
Albuquerque, NM 87123
Office Hours:
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
Walk-in and appointments welcome!
(505) 846-1100 Office
(505) 328-5465 Mobile
General Housing Websites
Rental Partnership Program Websites