Air Force reinstates special bonuses, pays, most PCSs Published July 21, 2023 Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) -- With additional support from Congress on several pending reprogramming requests, the Air Force will restore funding to most military personnel programs that were suspended or closed last week. The Air Force will restore the Selective Retention Bonuses and the Aviation Bonus program beginning next week. Additionally, beginning next week the Air Force will resume authenticating paused PCS orders for moves in fiscal year 2023, with the target of Airmen having orders in-hand at least 30 days before departure date. Before the end of July, Airmen awaiting orders with departure dates in August or later will begin to receive their orders. The previously announced DEROS extension for Airmen on overseas long tours with a DEROS between October and December 2023 remains in effect. These DEROSs have been extended to January through March 2024. Airmen can request an exception to policy from their wing commander, for Air Force Personnel Center commander consideration if needed. The SRB program will be reinstated this month for all eligible career fields. Eligible Airmen reenlisting or extending for a bonus can immediately take action to contract for a bonus. Airmen previously eligible for a bonus who extended until October 1, 2023, may now work with their Military Personnel Flights for exceptions to policy to now take action to contract for a bonus. The Aviation Bonus Program that opened on June 5 and was paused July 11 is scheduled to re-open in the next week. All aviators who were previously eligible but had not contracted will remain eligible. Aviation bonuses remain offered on a first come, first serve basis until FY23 funds are exhausted. Finally, Assignment Incentive Pay and Foreign Language Proficiency Pay agreements paused July 11 will be reinstated. This includes Airmen receiving new or recertifying existing foreign language bonus pay or initiating new assignment pay at all locations. While most of the benefits have been reinstated, the Air Force will continue to communicate with Airmen whose PCS orders have not been completed, specifically those with PCS moves in FY24. Airmen with questions can call the Total Force Service Center at 210-565-0102, or toll-free at 800-525-0102.