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  • Air Force activates Warrant Officer Training School

    The new Warrant Officer Corps career path aims to address critical operational needs while maintaining highly perishable skills and leveraging the deep expertise and technical capabilities of warrant officers.

  • Space Force releases promotion cycle statistics

    Department of the Air Force officials have selected 108 technical sergeants for promotion to master sergeant, 366 sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant and 463 Space Force specialist 4s for promotion to sergeant in the 24S7, 24S6 and 24S5 promotion cycles.

  • Air Force reinstates special bonuses, pays, most PCSs

    With additional support from Congress on several pending reprogramming requests, the Air Force will restore funding to most military personnel programs that were suspended or closed last week.The Air Force will restore the Selective Retention Bonuses and the Aviation Bonus program beginning next

  • PCS “Delayed not Cancelled”

    A Permanent Change of Station (PCS) order was released by Headquarters Air Force on July 11, 2023, stating delays on PCS orders with projected departure dates of August or later. The 377th Force Support Squadron Military Personnel Flight at Kirtland Air Force Base has initiated a plan to assist

  • Air Force releases senior master sergeant/23E8 promotion cycle statistics

    Congratulations to the 1,629 master sergeants selected for senior master sergeant in the 23E8 promotion cycle! The list is available on the Enlisted Promotions page of Air Force’s Personnel Center public website, myPers and the Air Force Portal. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Staff Sgt. Kiana Pearson)