Commander's Corner: Commissaries, exchanges for use only by those authorized Published Aug. 8, 2007 By Col. Mohsen Parhizkar 377th Air Base Wing Vice Commander KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, New Mexico -- Our commissaries and exchanges across the Air Force provide competitive prices and give back to the military communities they serve, but the price cuts and advantages are available for authorized personnel only. It has been brought to my attention that some patrons of the Base Exchange and Commissary may not have proper authorization. The Army and Air Force Exchange Service and the Defense Commissary Agency do not authorize who can shop in their facilities; the House Armed Services Committee and the Department of Defense determine who authorized patrons of these facilities are. Authorized users include active-duty servicemembers, retirees, members of the Reserves and National Guard, and dependents of active duty, Reserve, Guard and retirees. The front of dependent identification cards also lists authorized patronage of Exchange, Commissary and MWR facilities, if applicable. Additional guidelines can be obtained by calling the Military Personnel Flight at 846-5459 or visit the MPF in Building 20245, Room 116. At commissaries, products are available at cost plus a 5 percent surcharge, which means that authorized patrons can save an average of more than 30 percent compared to commercial prices. AAFES provides products at competitive prices and generates earnings to support Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs, which directly benefit servicemembers and their families. Anyone may purchase food at any AAFES food operation, including McDonald's and the AAFES food court. The barbershop, flower shop, gas station, dry cleaning and laundry facilities are for authorized customers only. Allowing unauthorized personnel, including guests, to use these facilities could drive the cost of these services up. Customers are authorized to make purchases for personal use or bona fide gifts only. Exchange and commissary cashiers ask for identification for each transaction. Please be cooperative and show your identification to protect the savings and programs offered to us through these facilities. Misuse of base privileges could result in revocation of privileges and other disciplinary action.