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Jan. 09 Federal Holiday Base Operations and Hours

President Biden has signed an executive order for the closure of the Federal Government on January 9, 2025 as a mark of respect for President Jimmy Carter.

“All executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government shall be closed on January 9, 2025, as a mark of respect for James Earl Carter, Jr., the thirty-ninth President of the United States.” Article: Executive Order Providing for the Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on January 9, 2025 | The White House

Civilian Employee Use or Lose If an employee has scheduled "use or leave" Annual Leave for Tuesday, January, 09 and is unable to reschedule the leave for use before the end of the leave year (that is, for most employees January 11, 2025), the leave will be forfeited.  When "use or lose" leave is forfeited under these conditions, the law does not permit restoration of the leave. 

If you have any questions about this closure, please contact your unit command, or the organization/office directly for their hours.

Gate Hours 

09 Jan. remain normal.

377th Medical Group 
Kirtland Clinics and Pharmacies will be closed.

Fitness Centers 
East Side - Closed 
West Side - No new registrations (still open during regular hours) 

Child Development Centers/Youth Centers 
Maxwell - Closed 
Gibson - Closed 
Youth Center - Closed


0730 - 1600 Handicap Early accessibility 
0800 - 1600 Hours for regular operations 

Gas Stations/Express
East side 0800-1700 
West Side Closed 

Consolidated Support Building 
Travel Management Office - Closed 
Finance - Closed 
Manpower Personnel Flight - Closed 
RAB Badge Office - 0730 - 1500 
Thunder Bird Inn Dining Facility 

Thunder Bird-Inn Dining Facility
0900-1300 Breakfast/Lunch
1700-1900 Dinner 

Kirtland Base Activities 
Kirtland Lanes Bowling Alley - Closed 
Tijeras Arroyo Golf Course - 0700 - 1400 
Outdoor Recreation - Closed