Location: 377th Medical Group
Second floor, check in at the Outpatient Records Desk
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Contact Information:
EFMP-M – Identification and Enrollment
377th Medical Group
1501 San Pedro Drive SE, Building 47
Special Needs Coordinator (SNC)
Special Needs Technician (SNT)
Email Org Box: usaf.kirtland.377-mdg.mbx.377-mdg-efmp@health.mil
EFMP-FS – Family Support
Military and Family Readiness Flight (M&FRF)
1451 4th Street SE
Family Support Coordinator
505-846-0741 Front Desk
EFMP-A – Military Personnel Office
What is EFMP?
The Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed to provide support to military family members with Medical or Educational needs. The Air Force EFMP is comprised of a medical component (EFMP-M), community support element (EFMP-FS), and assignments (EFMP-A).
The Medical Group coordinates the medical portion of the EFMP program. Enrollment, medical support, and PCS clearance for family travel are provided through EFMP-M.
The primary goal of EFMP is to ensure the medical and educational needs of EFMs can be met at a new assignment location. EFMP enrollment information enables personnel to proactively consider a family member's special need requirements during the assignment process and to pinpoint the assignment to a location with appropriate resources that address the needs of the family member at the gaining location. Successful implementation requires up-to-date enrollment information and extensive coordination among the personnel, medical and educational communities.
How do I know if I meet criteria for EFMP?
An Exceptional Family Member is a dependent who has a diagnosed physical, educational or mental health condition that requires ongoing specialized services.
Examples include:
- Needs care provided by a medical specialist.
- Receiving Special Education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP), provided by the school
- Receiving Physical/Speech/Occupational therapies through an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) being provided by a local Early Intervention agency
- Asthma or ADHD with daily use of medications
- Need for adaptive equipment or housing modifications
- Current mental health needs or any inpatient or intensive outpatient mental health care within the past 5 years.
If you any of the above apply, please contact the EFMP–M office. Enrollment in EFMP may be initiated by the sponsor, spouse, or Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) such as your PCM. The EFMP office may also receive referral information from First Sergeants and supervisors.
PCS Clearance
Active Duty military members who receive an assignment complete the Initial Assignments Briefing within vMPF. After completion they receive a notification instructing them to log in to https://myvector.us.af.mil/ to complete the Travel Screening Questionnaire (TSQ) in MyVector. If service members have dependents, they complete the Family Member Travel Screening (FMTS) regarding the medical and educational needs of their dependents.
Important to remember:
1. If CONUS PCS, only enter in MyVector the dependents who are enrolled in EFMP or have medical or educational specialty needs that would qualify them to be enrolled in EFMP. If they see any specialists or receive special education services in school then they would meet the criteria for enrollment.
2. If OCONUS PCS, enter ALL dependents in MyVector. They may need to have their PCM complete a DD 2792 form, their dentist complete an AF 1466D and/or the school complete the DD 2792-1, depending on the assignment location.
3. If any dependents see a civilian provider, please complete a DD 2870 Authorization for Disclosure form as medical records will need to be requested. A DD 2792 may also need to be submitted.
For more PCS/EFMP resources, visit Air Force Family Vector: https://daffamilyvector.us.af.mil. The Medical Trends section may be used to see what specialty care is available at different locations.
Useful forms:
- DD Form 2792 (Jan 2021), Family Member Medical Summary. Completed by PCM for enrollment, disenrollment, and PCS.
- DD Form 2792-1 (Jan 2021), Early Intervention/Special Education Summary. Completed by school or early intervention program for EFMP enrollment or PCS OCONUS.
- AF Form 1466D, Dental Health Summary – Completed by dental provider for each family member traveling to an overseas OCONUS location, age 2 and older.
- DD Form 2870 (Dec 2003), Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information. A release of information form is completed to allow the MTF EFMP to request medical records, typically from each civilian provider.
*The AF Form 4380 and the AF Form 1466 are no longer used.